Purity Rings

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The case for Moral Purity

It’s not hard to figure out that we’re living in a sex-crazed society – one that operates much like an open sewer. It’s even been called the “new morality” by some, including ministers of the Gospel.

“The fact is we’re not entering a new morality at all. It’s simply the same old immorality that’s been plaguing people for thousands of years. Modern man exclaims, “If it feels good, do it” or, “If loving you is wrong, then how could this feel so right.”

Moral impurity is emotionally, physically, socially, domestically and eternally destructive. Fifty percent of all emotional problems are a result of sexual immorality. These are people who are haunted by their past, guilt, anger, bitterness, insecurity and depression.

And today more than ever, there are sexually transmitted disease being passed along at epidemic proportions. This sin has within itself destructive and sometimes incurable consequences.

In The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon attributed the immorality of the Romans as their leading cause for destruction.

From: Point of View
The case for moral purity

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Promise Rings True

Making a promise is a small thing, keeping it is not. It does not seem to be in fashion anymore to keep promises. We have become a society of promise breakers where commitment means very little. Sexually transmitted disease is rampant, AIDS, and HIV are de-populating areas of the globe. Fidelity has never been needed more.

Promising to remain pure till marriage is a difficult thing to do these days, it seems like an antiquated idea. To make a commitment to someone and actually keep it is the most precious gift that can be given. Wearing a symbol of that commitment keeps it visible.

A joke I once heard went something like this:
Grandson: Hey grandpa what did you use for birth control when you were young?
Grandpa: A wedding ring.

The promise rings true.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sexual Purity

Many of the abstinace sites are talking about sexual purity. Here is an excerpt from one site:

One teen explained the effects of her sexual involvement in these words:

… Having premarital sex was the most horrifying experience of my life. It wasn't at all the emotionally satisfying experience the world deceived me into believing. I felt as if my insides were being exposed and my heart left unattended…I know God has forgiven me of this haunting sin, but I also know I can never have my virginity back. I dread the day that I have to tell the man I truly love and wish to marry that he is not the only one, though I wish he were…I have stained my life—a stain that will never come out.

The Sexual Purity site has many article and resources on this topic.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Promise Ring

A promise ring is a ring given as an outward expression, or symbol, of a promise made.
Traditionally, the promise ring is given for virtually any type of promise made, either romantic or platonic. Popular reasons to give promise rings include:

• Pre-engagement: If you're sure she's the right one for you, but not quite ready for engagement, the pre-engagement ring expresses commitment to the relationship and a promise for the future together.
• Chastity or abstinence: Often called Purity Rings, these rings are generally given by a parent to a child and symbolize a promise by the child to remain sexually pure until marriage. It is a constant reminder that true love can wait for a sexual relationship. Purity rings can also be given to symbolize a child's pledge to remain substance free.
• Monogamy: In the absence of marriage or pre-engagement, promise rings can be exchanged as a mutual commitment of unity and monogamy.
• Friendship: Good friends have always made pacts, sealing them with the exchange of friendship rings and other small tokens.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


One site, called the Silver Ring Thing, asks youth to make a commitment to sexual abstinence until marriage. They have school assembly programs, concert type events, college internships as well as online training. Here are the seven stages to their program:

Stage 1: Commitment
Attend a Silver Ring thing program - put on the silver ring and
make the pledge

Stage 2: Growth
Stay tight with your accountability partner and grow in your commitment.

Stage 3: Outreach
Return for another Silver Ring Thing program and bring friends

Stage 4: Leadership
Join the Silver Ring Thing CREW for your local area.

Stage 5: SRT Foundations
This online course really takes you deeper into the foundations of faith.

Stage 6: Summer Internship
Complete an internship with the Silver Ring Thing in Pittsburgh

* Open to high school and college students

Stage 7: Professional Staff Positions
Join the national staff of Silver Ring Thing.

On their site is "Deb's Diary" I was struck by an interns post which is listed below, it seems to sum up what they are about:

P-U-R-I-T-Y (by Joy the 2004 Summer intern)

One thing Silver Ring Thing talks about more than anything is purity. Why? Because purity affects every part of our lives. A lot of people think of purity only in terms of abstaining from sex but it also involves having honest intentions or consistency in actions Here are some ways that you can strive to be pure:

Pursue Faith.
The only way to keep strong in God is to read his word, talk to him and worship him 24/7. Keeping your focus on him will help you to stay pure in every other area of your life.

Wisdom plays a huge role in staying pure. When you have that understanding, you know which situations to avoid, what things aren't appropriate to wear and what to keep your eyes from seeing.

Reputation Reputation and Integrity.
Reputation Reputation and Integrity go hand in hand because both deal with how you & portray yourself to other people. The definition of integrity is moral Integrity. soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive. When something is pure, for example a cup of water, it is composed of only one thing. The water has no particles of dirt in it and no drops of any other liquid. That's the same deal with integrity. When you're a person of integrity, you are completely 100% moral. And because you have integrity, people will automatically see you as a person with pure intentions and a good reputation. Strive to be pure in that sense.

Talk about God.
This is just as important as talking to God. When you let others know about who you believe in, it not only strengthens your faith, but it lets them know where you stand on certain issues. And now that they know what you believe, they'll help to keep you in line.

One of the easiest ways to be pure is to want to be pure. God says ask and you'll receive. If you want to be pure, you're definitely headed in the right direction.

Silver Ring Thing

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A History of Purity Rings

"Rings have always been a beautiful symbol of life’s promises, commitments and celebrations. One of the most wonderful of these is your wedding day. Everyone holds in their heart a cherished dream of offering themselves on that special day, pure in body and spirit. You want that dream to come true; God wants it too, more than you know. Ask Him to give you the strength to keep that promise, then symbolize it with a Chastity Ring made of precious gold or silver, to wear until that special day when you celebrate your marriage with your spouse."

This is the thinking behind many of the Purity ring sites or abstinence groups that promote sexual purity until biblical marriage. The largest of the abstinence groups, True Love Waits, was organized in 1993. They report that over 2.4 million have signed pledge cards with the following:

"Believing that true love waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends, my future mate, and my future children to a lifetime of purity including sexual abstinence from this day until the day I enter a biblical marriage relationship."

The True Love commitment ring originally created as a chastity - purity ring symbolizing the devotion to remain sexually pure until marriage. However many people are giving and wearing these rings as commitment rings to symbolize their monogamous relationship.

Many different rings are symbolic of purity from sterling silver to gold and in many different shapes from hearts to solid bands. Some rings even have text to remind you of your vow of purity or that true love waits.