Purity Rings

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Easy sex is not true love! True love waits!

This from a French paper:

Easy sex is not true love !

Most teenagers believe their parents are over protective and, in doing so, prevent them from enjoying life to the full. They hate being warned against premature sex while the media in general convey a different idea.

“Papa don’t preach”, sang Madonna in the 80s and the tune is still much the same. Yet, if parents choose to guide their offspring, it’s because there is cause for concern.

What the unscrupulous people making huge amounts of money out of promoting an unbridled life fail to state is the adverse consequences it brings. They make believe that one should follow one’s bent and refuse freedom constraining discipline – “we don’t need no education”, they would say.

Sex is in fact a very delicate issue. It is linked to the most important aspect of life: ensuring its very continuity. It is surely not meant to be a solely pleasurable activity!

Some people rightly brandish the risks of catching deadly Aids to warn people about what they call ‘unsafe sex’. Yet, this deadly sexually transmitted disease is not the only consequence of easy sex; there are lots of other backlashes. These include emotional disturbance at a time a teenager is building up his/her personality; psychological effects such as depression and dilution of values.

Moreover, Aids is not the only STD (sexually transmitted disease) on the sex market. It’s not because they are not incurable that people should not be warned about the risk of catching them. 116 million individuals are estimated to contract such diseases every year in the world and it’s not written on their faces. They hit without discrimination. Though there are remedies, some of them may leave lifetime effects such as increased risks of cancers.

A teenager is simply not mature enough to be sexually active. This may be frowned upon by many but it is but the plain truth.

It’s very easy to get trapped but it’s much more difficult to avoid from giving away the most intimate part of oneself. True love waits!



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