Purity Rings

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Living a Life Worth Watching

The whole idea of wearing jewelry as a statement, implies that others will be watching. I don't know about you, but I have spent my whole life trying to go unnoticed. The idea of wearing things that will draw attention to myself makes me uncomfortable. I was talking with a coworker about putting a christian bumper sticker on his car, his reply was " I don't drive that good".

I guess what I am getting at is this: If lifestyle evangelism is a part of your game plan, make sure you are living a life worth watching. Does your jewelry's statement coinside with the way you live or treat people?


  • Ring can remind you of an oath you made personally to God to keep your mind body and soul pure. Loving God and being his servant is a choice you get to make, nothing's forced on you to be pure. That's the awesome thing about wearing a ring it reminds you to live,treat people and think in a loving promised way.the purity ring is a silent oath between you and God. Once you find another person who shares your spiritual beliefs and values you replace the ring. In a new ceremony a union of you and your spouses oath on becoming one with God.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:53 PM  

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