Purity Rings

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


One site, called the Silver Ring Thing, asks youth to make a commitment to sexual abstinence until marriage. They have school assembly programs, concert type events, college internships as well as online training. Here are the seven stages to their program:

Stage 1: Commitment
Attend a Silver Ring thing program - put on the silver ring and
make the pledge

Stage 2: Growth
Stay tight with your accountability partner and grow in your commitment.

Stage 3: Outreach
Return for another Silver Ring Thing program and bring friends

Stage 4: Leadership
Join the Silver Ring Thing CREW for your local area.

Stage 5: SRT Foundations
This online course really takes you deeper into the foundations of faith.

Stage 6: Summer Internship
Complete an internship with the Silver Ring Thing in Pittsburgh

* Open to high school and college students

Stage 7: Professional Staff Positions
Join the national staff of Silver Ring Thing.

On their site is "Deb's Diary" I was struck by an interns post which is listed below, it seems to sum up what they are about:

P-U-R-I-T-Y (by Joy the 2004 Summer intern)

One thing Silver Ring Thing talks about more than anything is purity. Why? Because purity affects every part of our lives. A lot of people think of purity only in terms of abstaining from sex but it also involves having honest intentions or consistency in actions Here are some ways that you can strive to be pure:

Pursue Faith.
The only way to keep strong in God is to read his word, talk to him and worship him 24/7. Keeping your focus on him will help you to stay pure in every other area of your life.

Wisdom plays a huge role in staying pure. When you have that understanding, you know which situations to avoid, what things aren't appropriate to wear and what to keep your eyes from seeing.

Reputation Reputation and Integrity.
Reputation Reputation and Integrity go hand in hand because both deal with how you & portray yourself to other people. The definition of integrity is moral Integrity. soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive. When something is pure, for example a cup of water, it is composed of only one thing. The water has no particles of dirt in it and no drops of any other liquid. That's the same deal with integrity. When you're a person of integrity, you are completely 100% moral. And because you have integrity, people will automatically see you as a person with pure intentions and a good reputation. Strive to be pure in that sense.

Talk about God.
This is just as important as talking to God. When you let others know about who you believe in, it not only strengthens your faith, but it lets them know where you stand on certain issues. And now that they know what you believe, they'll help to keep you in line.

One of the easiest ways to be pure is to want to be pure. God says ask and you'll receive. If you want to be pure, you're definitely headed in the right direction.

Silver Ring Thing


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