Purity Rings

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sexual Purity

Many of the abstinace sites are talking about sexual purity. Here is an excerpt from one site:

One teen explained the effects of her sexual involvement in these words:

… Having premarital sex was the most horrifying experience of my life. It wasn't at all the emotionally satisfying experience the world deceived me into believing. I felt as if my insides were being exposed and my heart left unattended…I know God has forgiven me of this haunting sin, but I also know I can never have my virginity back. I dread the day that I have to tell the man I truly love and wish to marry that he is not the only one, though I wish he were…I have stained my life—a stain that will never come out.

The Sexual Purity site has many article and resources on this topic.


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