Purity Rings

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Why a Purity Ring?

Simple; a ring is both a reminder to the person wearing it of a commitment they made and a statement to others who see it on your finger. Rings can symbolize many different things. A wedding ring for example reminds us of the marriage covenant we entered into with our spouse and it tells the world that we are committed to someone else. Much the same, a purity ring daily reminds us of the covenant we have with God to stay pure until He provides us with a spouse and at the same time it tells the world that we are waiting on God's plan and that there is no compromising.

The concept behind the purity ring is so simple, yet so powerful. A commitment to remain pure until marriage is made. As a daily reminder, the ring is worn until then. On your wedding day, you take the ring off and exchange it for a wedding ring. Keep the purity ring somewhere safe. When the day comes, pass it on to your child and ask them to make the same promise you made.

Yes, a simple purity ring. The perfect gift for a parent to give a child. The perfect gift to give a friend. The perfect gift to give yourself. Whether a teen, a single adult (never married, widowed or divorced), this ring will be a constant reminder to you of God's faithfulness. The world will still tempt you, but you will feel God's peace and be satisfied knowing that His perfect promise will be fulfilled in His perfect timing.

Won't it be the perfect gift to your spouse that you will enter your marriage relationship pure?

And what if your life has not been pure? Well, that's the beauty of God's grace. Through our heartfelt repentance, we are forgiven and sanctified. We don't want to sin again. We start over on a clean slate! We don't want to do wrong anymore, and yes as the Bible boldly declares, we are a new creation! Thanks to Jesus' sacrifice and our repentance, in God's eyes we are pure!

We encourage you to prayerfully consider the benefits of a purity ring. Along with the poem and pledge card that accompany the ring, you will have tools that will help you make a commitment to remain pure until God blesses you with the perfect spouse.

From http://www.purityrings.com

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Christian Purity Rings

Christian purity rings have been around for many years, in a recent BP news article they celebrate the 5 year anniversary of a song that gave a voice to the purity movement.

"Purity has long been an issue of great importance to singer-songwriter Rebecca St. James, and at the fifth anniversary of the release of her landmark single Wait for Me, she continues to show young people worldwide how to wait honorably for the spouse God may have for them.

The song, written by St. James as a pledge of commitment to her future husband, has inspired thousands of teenagers worldwide to remain sexually abstinent until marriage."

Wait for Me

Darling, did you know that I
I dream about you
Waiting for the look in your eyes
When we meet for the first time
And darling, did you know that I
I pray about you
Praying that you will hold on
And keep your loving eyes only for me

'Cause I am waiting for, praying for you darling
Wait for me too
Wait for me as I wait for you
'Cause I am waiting for, praying for you darling
Wait for me too
Wait for me as I wait for you
Darling wait

Darling did you know
I dream about life together
Knowing it will be forever
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
And darling when I say
" Til death do us part"
I mean it with all of my heart
Now and always faithful to you


Now I know you may have made mistakes
But there's forgiveness, and a second chance
So wait for me, darling wait for me
Wait for me
Darling wait for me