Purity Rings

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A History of Purity Rings

"Rings have always been a beautiful symbol of life’s promises, commitments and celebrations. One of the most wonderful of these is your wedding day. Everyone holds in their heart a cherished dream of offering themselves on that special day, pure in body and spirit. You want that dream to come true; God wants it too, more than you know. Ask Him to give you the strength to keep that promise, then symbolize it with a Chastity Ring made of precious gold or silver, to wear until that special day when you celebrate your marriage with your spouse."

This is the thinking behind many of the Purity ring sites or abstinence groups that promote sexual purity until biblical marriage. The largest of the abstinence groups, True Love Waits, was organized in 1993. They report that over 2.4 million have signed pledge cards with the following:

"Believing that true love waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends, my future mate, and my future children to a lifetime of purity including sexual abstinence from this day until the day I enter a biblical marriage relationship."

The True Love commitment ring originally created as a chastity - purity ring symbolizing the devotion to remain sexually pure until marriage. However many people are giving and wearing these rings as commitment rings to symbolize their monogamous relationship.

Many different rings are symbolic of purity from sterling silver to gold and in many different shapes from hearts to solid bands. Some rings even have text to remind you of your vow of purity or that true love waits.


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